Monday, August 5, 2013

Gunnison, Co 6/24/2013

Stayed at Palisades RV Park in Gunnison, CO

Sister Karen and her husband Don came to Gunnison and 
took us fishing at Blue Mesa Reservoir.

Karen and me enjoying the ride

Woke up to a balloon attempting to land in the RV park one morn!

Visited a neat museum in Gunnison, learned a lot 
about the early days in Gunnison and 
saw things that took me back to my
early days.

Museum had some cool stuff!

Steam powered vacuum cleaner 

Pressure cooker from the good old days.

Horse drawn hearse

Took a road trip to Lake City and stopped 
at the place Alfred ate at..

Memorial at Alfred Packer site

View of Lake San Cristobal above Lake City

Waterfall outside Lake City

Me and Boss at a stop on Ohio Pass outside of Crested Butte. 

What a ham. Everywhere we go he wants me to take his picture.

Bunny and Boss

Took a ATV ride out of Taylor Park over Cumberland Pass
with our RV park neighbors Frank and Clare. 
Had a great time, fantastic views!

We made it to the top of the world!

Rode the ATV's to the town of Pitkin, Bunny wanted a picture of the church. 

Start of the trail we hiked out side of Crested Butte

View from the trail, lot's of wild flowers and overlooked the
East River.

Brother Karl and his wife Barbara came to visit. We took a day
trip to view the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River.
Spectacular sights!

Barbara checking to the Black Canyon.

View of the canyon.

Steamboat Lake, Co 6/9/2013

Steamboat Lake State Park in Colorado

Beautiful place. View from the campground.

Met up with Bunny's brother Jack, his wife Kathy, and Copper.

Bunny's sister Georgann, Uncle "B", Hemi, and "Q" were there too! 

"The Antiques Road Show"

Couple of monster fish me and Boss caught
at Steamboat Lake.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monument, Co 4/24/2013

Colorado Heights RV Park in Monument, CO. is 
our Coast to Coast home resort.

View of Pikes Peak from he RV park

Me and the camp host. He's a straight shooter!

Me and the children

Bailey caught a beauty in the fish in pond

Nice job at the fish in hole. Those fish were as big as Toe's leg!
Grandpappy was so proud.

Grandpappy with his children and grandchildren in front of
the "B" Schraders new trailer.

While in Monument, we took a day trip to the
Royal Gorge. 2 weeks after our visit there was
a major forest fire here that destroyed most of 
the structures in the park.

Tram ride across the Royal Gorge. Bunny and I rode it,
quite a sight!

Had a white buffalo at Royal Gorge animal park.
White, not albino, very sacred.

                                              Big Horn sheep at gorge

Home 2/2013

We were home 2 months taking care of stuff.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ingram, Texas 1/13/2013

Made it to Ingram, in the Texas Hill Country

Johnson Creek RV Park is a nice place and is in a Pecan 

Small RV park with lots of pecans

Nice sites

Orchard a good place to run the dog

This is the tractor they use to harvest pecans. The attachment
on the back wraps around the tree and shakes the tree
really hard and the nuts fall to the ground.

Every morning and evening a herd of these Axis Deer
came into the orchard to feed

There is a chapel at the RV Park for Sunday services,
weddings, and funerals.

Boss and his vary close friend "Cooper"

And another friend.......

and another.....

and another.