Friday, October 26, 2012

Star Valley (Thayne, Wyoming) 7/17/2012

Thayne, WY., about as close to Idaho as you can
get and 60 miles south of Jackson Hole.
Met up with Rocky and Nancy Schrader here!

Our spot at Star Valley Ranch Resort

The view from our spot


Good library here, got in alot of relaxing reading.

Looking good by the pool!
Nice golf course here too. Bunny is quite the golfer!

Hog rasslin at the Lincln County Fair

Nancy Schrader trying out recliners.
I don't know who the feller beaming on her is?

Me and Abe in Jackson

Bunny and her idol Albert

On our way to Granite Hot Springs by Alpine, WY.

Waterfall below Granite Hot Springs

Rocky Schrader and I

Osprey nest with young ones

Along the Greys River Road, named one of the most
scenic drives in America.

Head waters of the Greys

Boss checking out the view

Bunny and Boss along the Greys River

Greys River road

We and Boss cooling down in the Greys

Jenny Lake in Grand Tetons Park

Friends Joe and Rose we met at Star Valley.
They are from New York, but we didn't hold that against them.

Grand Tetons

More Grand Tetons

Bunny is quite the photographer. What a beautiful place.

Snake River running through Tetons Park

We had visitors! Pear and Maybe came up for Labor Day weekend.
Good time!

Time to Leave Star Valley

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wyoming, Rawlins 7/16/2012

Mapping our journey

First day of new life

One night stop before we head to Thayne

Rough day on the road